Thursday, January 24, 2013


I finished Pretties bu Scott Westerfeld this morning after an all-nighter. I was so captivated that it really just flew by.

I really like this series. I really enjoyed the first book and the second book turned out to be fantastic as well.

Part of me wants to take a break from the series, just to prolong the experience, but another part of me just wants to know what will happen!

Either way, that brings me up to 7 books out of 50.
Next I will either read Delirium by Lauren Oliver, or I'll cave and read Specials by, of course, Scott Westerfeld.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I started and finished Forever... by Judy Bloom today.  It's a very quick read, but I see why it's used as a standard to mark YA literature.  I saw somewhere that Judy Bloom was a YA author ahead of her time, and I completely agree.  I didn't realize until about half-way through that this book wasn't "set" in the modern day,.  It was published in 1975 and after reading it, for a little bit of the language and just a few references, that fits. The thing is, the writing is actually so real that is doesn't feel like some stiff 70's attempt at a young romance novel.... it feels like being stuck in a teenage girl's head while she's going through dating, love, sex, etc.  I can see why it's considered a classic of sorts.

I really did like it and I'm glad that I finally ended up reading it.

Trying to make my way through The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart but thus far, I've not been too captivated.  I guess we'll see if it make the cut.

Anyways, 6 down, 44 to go!

Happy Reading!

Monday, January 21, 2013


Five down: 45 to go!

I finished Uglies by Scott Westerfeld today.
I really liked it and am actually looking forward to getting the box set in the mail this week so I can continue on with the series.

I didn't read it as quickly as I did Divergent, but I liked the story almost as much, if not a little more.

I'm not sure yet what I'll read for my 6th book.  If nothing else, I'll begin Pretties when it arrives mid-week. :)

Happy reading!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I finished my fourth book, Matched by Ally Condie.  I had high hopes for it because I'd heard several times that it was a good dystopian novel with a lot of YA romance, which sounded right up my ally.  However, I don't think it was written very well. it's certainly a young adult romance novel with a totalitarian government but honestly, it's just not captivating.  The story in general held promise but ultimately, it wasn't good to me.  I may end up reading the sequels (Crossed and Reached), but I don't feel a huge pull to do so.

As for my next book, I'm going to start Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. I've heard good things, both about Scott's writing in general and about this series so I'm excited to start. :)


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Finished #3

I finished rereading The Giver.  It's been a few years since I've read it so it was nice to reread a classic that falls within the genre I'm loving right now.

To keep on with the dystopian theme (which will likely continue for quit a while), I'll be reading Matched by Ally Condie for my fourth book.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Finished Book 2

Apparently I REALLY enjoy the Divergent series because I finished the second book, Insurgent, only one day after starting it. 

So I'm done with my first two books (also sad that the third Divergent book will not be out until fall).

I think for my 3rd book, while I'm still waiting for my new series to be shipped to me, I'll reread The Giver.

Happy Reading.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Finished Book 1 & Starting Book 2

I finished my first book, Divergent.  I really liked it. I read it per John Green's recommendation on his guide to books video recently, in which he recommended Divergent to those who liked The Hunger Games series. Honestly, I liked the Hunger Games series well enough, but I found Divergent WAY more captivating.  The first Hunger Games book took me almost 6 months to get through because I kept becoming disinterested in it. Divergent moved slowly in some places but it wasn't hard to get though and I didn't have to force myself though any part of it.

I'm really loving this dystopian theme, so to continue my 50 books challenge, I ordered Insurgent (the second book in the Divergent series), Matched by Allie Condie, and Uglies by Scott Westerfeld (both of which are actually on John's video as well for those who liked HG, though I didn't realize that until after).

Starting my second book, Insurgent, tonight. :)
